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WAIVER OF LIABILITY: I hereby understand and acknowledge that the training, programs may expose me to many inherent risks, including accidents, injury, illness, or even death. I assume all risk of injuries associated with participation. I acknowledge that I am physically fit and mentally capable of performing the physical activity I choose to participate in. After having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of the acceptance of my participation and the Agustina Pole Dance courses, I agree to hold harmless, waive and release Agustina Pole Dance, its instructors, employees, representatives from any responsibility, liabilities, demands, or claims of any kind arising out of my participation in the Agustina Pole Dance training, programs, and/or events. By signing in I indicate that I have read and understood this Waiver of Liability. I am aware that this is a waiver and a release of liability and I voluntarily agree to its terms.
Puoi cancellare la tua iscrizione in qualsiasi momento. Non sei vincolato a un periodo minimo di adesione.
Vai semplicemente al tuo profilo membri, fai clic su "I miei abbonamenti", fai clic su "Annulla abbonamento" e il gioco è fatto!
E non preoccuparti, avrai comunque accesso alle tue lezioni fino alla fine del ciclo di fatturazione.